Laureline Richard

Laureline Richard graduated from SEAD, Austria in 2008. She has been working for many choreographers and companies with very different perspectives and aesthetics. Her insatiable research, drove her to create a first solo, Comme des couteaux qu'on vient de repasser. She also sometimes teaches workshops of David Zambrano's techniques, which has been a very strong influence in her practice. She is currently working for Ambra Senatore/CCN Nantes, Lola Maury (UK), Julie Coutant and Eric Fessenmeyer/cie La Cavale, Florencia Demestri and Samuel Lefeuvre/LOG, Anne-Sophie Gabert and Julie Lefebvre/Fabrique fastidieuse, Anna Anderegg from Asphalt Piloten. In 2019, she joined the BurnOut company for the work of Samsara.